Paul O'Grady

Total raised

Offline: £4,195.00

Battersea joins the nation in mourning the loss of Paul O’Grady - an entertainment legend and much-loved Ambassador to our charity. We’d like to extend our deepest sympathies to Paul’s family and friends. To millions Paul O’Grady is the popular TV and radio presenter and comedian who lit up their screens with his razor-sharp humour and perpetual generosity and warmth. Battersea will forever remember Paul as a devoted animal lover with the biggest heart, who fell in love with every dog he met at our centres. Paul will always be associated with Battersea, and we are truly saddened to have lost such a true friend and huge part of our charity.

Paul loved Battersea so much and we cannot thank him enough for everything he did for our charity and for rescue animals worldwide. We will forever be indebted to him for his endless generosity and support.

Latest donations

  • Louise

  • £20.00 Anonymous

  • £10.00 Anonymous

    Well done Paul - not forgetting and keep giving

  • £10.00 Pete Edwards

    I loved Paul's show for the love of dogs. I hope this helps a little.

  • £20.00 Richard Metcalfe

    A great cause in honour of a brilliant man, and animals who deserve love and care.

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
